Media Release
19th January, 2021

Business celebrates 20 years

Technology has transformed the way businesses are run – none more so than those in the personal finance sector.
That change was a topic of conversation when former partner John Bletcher marked the 20th anniversary of RNS Independent Financial Advisers with current director Andrew Clayton.
The buying and selling of shares and investments has been transformed by the internet since he helped establish the specialist service at RNS Chartered Accountants, with its offices in Scunthorpe, Brigg and Barton.
John said: “We used to have to fill out forms and send off a cheque – now it can be done in real time on a computer or mobile phone.
“The technology was changing but nothing like there is today.
“Years ago, investment research used to be reading a monthly finance magazine to look at the tables and articles.
“Now, everything is at an adviser’s fingertips.
“Life in the financial sector has become so much more sophisticated as things have gone online.”
John joined the then RN Store and Co in 1968, becoming a partner in 1976 and retiring in 2010. He was also a director of RNS FS.
He congratulated the current team on the 20th anniversary, under partners Andrew and Alex Douglas. It was the brainchild of the late Bob Marris.
“As accountants, we would pass on work to pension firms, and insurance brokers and stockbrokers.
“It occurred to us we could do a lot of the work ourselves and have a more joined up service,” John said.
“Bob was the partner who specialised in tax and he developed it. I also knew enough about financial services to advise but I only dealt with my own clients.
“I remember financial services legislation at the time was changing, and the amount of business we were doing was increasing, so it was decided to create a separate entity.

“Bob was the leading light and it developed from there.
“We started with our own clients and then partners would pass on work to Bob.
“We would get people in where clients needed particular expertise.
“Andrew was one of our Chartered Accountants and he had shown an interest in the financial services side too in those early days and it was a case of bringing him onboard and letting him build his experience.
“He and Bob became highly qualified and I would have no hesitation recommending Andrew to anybody who needed independent financial advice.”
Andrew thanked John for his kind words and establishing the business.
“Without the foresight of John and Bob, we would not be here today,” he said.
“Partners recognised the potential of an independent financial advice service, which complimented the chartered accountancy side.
“We have continued with the development of the business, and although a lot of it is different to those early days, the same principles and values remain.
“We are local and that makes us more approachable,” Andrew said.
“We have lots of new services to deliver, especially in pensions, and it is now a dedicated team of six advisers and support staff looking after clients’ needs.
“It has developed into a busy and important part of what RNS delivers.”
“Clients know and trust us with their pensions and investments.
“Alex, the team and myself look forward to serving their financial needs for many years to come.”
For more details, contact Andrew or Alex on (01724) 842713 or go to
Retired former partner John Bletcher, who helped established RNS Independent Financial Advisers 20 years ago.
Partners Andrew Clayton and Alex Douglas welcome Aiden Boucher to the firm before the pandemic struck. Aiden completed his accountancy studies and is now training to be a qualified financial adviser.